Monday, July 7, 2008

Are you there?


Have you ever wanted something to be a certain way SO badly that you believed it really was that way? So what about the deep desires that are put in our hearts by God that are entagled somehow with our purpose on earth. This desire is so strong you overlook all opposition because deep down you 'know' it will happen. How can you tell the difference? How do you know (if God's not telling you) whether you are acting in His will or out of your own desires? For that matter, how do you get Him to tell you? What if He is trying to tell you and you just aren't understanding? I don't really get how this 'hearing from God' thing works.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I think maybe the more time we spend with God the better able we are to recognize when He is really guiding that verse in James 4:8 where it says if we draw near to God He will draw near to us.
Also, the more time we spend with God the more He is able to transform and mold our desires to become the ones he had originally intended for us...untainted by what the world (ourselves) say